

Ages 16 months to 2 years


Toddlers at Vine & Branches focus on language development and building solid, trusting relationships with their teachers. These little ones are exploring textures, sounds, words, rhymes, crawling, walking, dancing, listening and taking cues from the activities of peers and their caregivers.

Toddlers are movers!

In the classroom and outdoors they will be able to climb, sit, run or find a cozy spot to observe. Some will be ready to focus attention and listen to a book being read, others will move from center to center and activity to activity. Daily time outdoors includes more exploration of the textures, temperatures, sounds and feelings found only in nature.

Language skills are encouraged with books, conversations, songs and rhyming finger plays. The program also continues to build a deeper knowledge of sign language as the children start to communicate with peers, teachers and their families.

Teachers begin moving children from individualized infant schedules to help them adapt to the world around them, partnering with parents to develop routines that work at school and at home. Daily communication from teachers includes developmental milestones, daily routines, and recommendations to bring the learning home.

Current Schedule Options:

We offer a flexible 30-day transition period, featuring either 3 full days or 5 half days per week for all programs. However, this modified schedule does not apply to our school-age programs.